As we continue our 2021 season with increased in-person programming, we recognize that we must still be mindful of COVID-19. Our priority is to provide our participants with an experience that maximizes their safety.
Participants have already voiced that they are grateful to be back participating in the arts and socializing with others. These experiences are critical to the health and well-being of our participants.
As of this published date, performing arts facilities and venue spaces operate under the indoor gathering limit of 50% venue capacity (see the COVID-19 Response Framework for more information on the restrictions and allowances). Rehearsing, performing, or any other kind of gathering is permitted, and performers and employees must maintain 2 metres physical distance except for purposes of the performance.
Read more below to learn about all the COVID-19 measures Fuse currently has in place (as well as our outdated protocol) to maximize participant safety. Please note that this list is regularly updated.
Current Fuse COVID-19 Precautions for Learn to Dance Event
October 23, 2021
Screening - Any person with symptoms of COVID-19, who has travelled outside the country in the past 14 days, is feeling unwell, or has been in contact with someone who has symptoms is not permitted at Fuse engagements. Participants must sign documents confirming that they have not experienced any of the above.
Update: As of September 22, 2021, participants over the age of 12 must provide proof of identification and proof of being fully vaccinated to access certain businesses and settings. As our Learn to Dance event falls under these guidelines, we ask that all participants come prepared to show both their first and second vaccine receipts, as well as a piece of government ID containing their photo and full name (to confirm identity).
If you have an official signed and dated medical exemption notice that includes your full name, please bring that along with your photo ID.
Please read more about the vaccination receipt mandate HERE.
Risk Mitigation - In consultation with our venue, partners and the tools provided by the Federal and Provincial governments, we've implemented a number of measures to reduce risk.
We will be limiting the number of participants to 44 people max, and ensuring each person has a minimum distance of 2 meters from one another. All participants must wear a cloth or medical mask or face covering indoors at all times. We ask that everyone sanitize their hands whenever entering or exiting the venue space. Extra masks and sanitizer will be available on site.
Contact Tracing - A complete list of all names, emails, phone numbers, and addresses of our participants will be collected to ensure proper contact tracing during the event.
Testing - Anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 two weeks or less prior to the event will not be allowed to enter the building to ensure the safety of other participants.
Past VCO (Fuse) COVID-19 Precautions for The Gondoliers - as of December 2, 2020
Screening - Any person with symptoms of COVID-19, who has travelled outside the country in the past 14 days, is feeling unwell, or has been in contact with someone who has symptoms is not permitted at VCO engagements. Participants must sign documents confirming that they have not experienced any of the above.
Risk Mitigation - In consultation with our venue, partners and the tools provided by the Federal and Provincial governments, we've implemented a number of measures to reduce risk.
For rehearsals, this means no in-person meetings of any kind. Participants will rehearse from home and submit practice recordings in preparation for the final audio recording.
For recording, this means participants are given the option to record from home with acceptable equipment, or record individually in-person with three (3) staff members in a safe and reliable manner. In-person recordings are conducted with a physically-distanced entry procedure including hand sanitizing, physically-distanced seating arrangements, regular sanitizing of shared spaces, and more.
Recordings will take place in a large gym with an air purifier, with only the three (3) staff members and the participant present. Participants will be required to sanitize completely before and after the recording. The participant will be set up 16 feet away from the staff members, the recording equipment and chair will be set up beforehand, with sanitization occurring before and after each participant. The staff members will be wearing masks at all times and will not come within 6 feet of the participants.
As an organization of people performing or rehearsing in a film or television production or in a concert, artistic event, theatrical performance or other performance, we are not required to ensure all participants wear face coverings as of Oct 5, 2020, however we do require face coverings during breaks, and encourage the use of face coverings while playing (strings).
For filming, this means indoor filming is conducted with a physically-distanced entry procedure including hand sanitizing, regular sanitizing of shared spaces, and more. We encourage face coverings during breaks for all participants on both indoor and outdoor sets, require staff members to wear them at all times, and require them when on set with the dancers. For the duration of scenes, masks are removed, physical distancing is implemented to the best of our ability, and participants are required to lip-sync only to reduce risk.
Contact Tracing - a complete list of all names, emails, phone numbers, and addresses of our participants is readily available for contact tracing.
Testing - Lead performers who will not be able to maintain social distancing during filming are asked to get COVID-19 tests and provide test results within one week of the filming start date.
Past VCO (Fuse) COVID-19 Precautions for Hansel & Gretel - before November 9, 2020
Screening - Any person with symptoms of COVID-19, who has travelled outside the country in the past 14 days, is feeling unwell, or has been in contact with someone who has symptoms is not permitted at VCO engagements. Participants must sign documents confirming that they have not experienced any of the above.
Risk Mitigation - In consultation with our venue, partners and the tools provided by the Federal and Provincial governments, we've implemented a number of measures to reduce risk.
For rehearsals, this means a physically-distanced entry procedure including hand sanitizing, physically-distanced seating arrangements, regular sanitizing of shared spaces, and more. As an organization of people performing or rehearsing in a film or television production or in a concert, artistic event, theatrical performance or other performance, we are not required to ensure all participants wear face coverings as of Oct 5, 2020, however we do require face coverings during breaks, and encourage the use of face coverings while playing for (strings).
For filming, this means indoor filming is conducted with a physically-distanced entry procedure including hand sanitizing, regular sanitizing of shared spaces, and more. We encourage face coverings during breaks for all participants on both indoor and outdoor sets, require staff members to wear them at all times, and require them when on set with the dancers. For the duration of scenes, masks are removed, physical distancing is implemented to the best of our ability, and participants are required to lip-sync only to reduce risk.
Contact Tracing - a complete list of all names, emails, phone numbers, and addresses of our participants is readily available for contact tracing.
Testing - Lead performers who could not maintain social distancing during filming were asked to get COVID-19 tests and provide test results within one week of the filming start date. All those tested reported negative results.